Wednesday, June 8, 2011

What makes a good blog

Nabokov thinks that  a good reader should “belong to a book club… identify with the hero… concentrate on  the socio-economic triangle…  should prefer a story with action and dialogue… see the book in a movie… be a budding author… have imagination and should have memory. ”
I agree with his thoughts of what makes a good reader, especially identifying with the hero (people are more apt to pay attention to what interests them) and being an author. In addition to those listed, I think that a good reader must enjoy the material presented to get the full effect. Overall, I consider myself a good reader because of how involved I get in my reading.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Stacey,

    Even though I do like your Blog's structure, graphics and overall look, I have to disagree with your take on Nabokov's opinion on what makes a good reader. In the text we read, he does mention all of the qualities that you have stated. However, he was listing them as a quiz of sorts, questioning what you thought made a good reader, and then went on to state that only the last four of the ten choices where actually correct. He states, “...the good reader is one who has imagination, memory, a dictionary, and some artistic sense...”. He also states a good reader is a re-reader. He then goes on to write, “...this is the worst thing a reader can do, he identifies himself with a character in the book.” He even states that this form of imagination, including nostalgic feelings invoked by a reading, is a “lowly variety”. I, as with you, disagree with his stance on this point. Many readers find great comfort in identifying with a character in a book, and sometimes this is inevitable – not deplorable. Some might even find his comments in relation to this offensive.

    Good post.

    Shellie H.
